celery juice, Happiness, Health, Peace of Mind, Your Amazing Life

Top Health Trend for 2019 Might Surprise You!

I was reading an article someone sent to me about the latest wellness trends and what would be popular in 2019. Of course celery juice was #1 on the list. You can learn more about celery juice at my blog post from last year here: Link to Celery Juice 101 Blog Post

But today I want to talk about another trend that I think is awesome! The trend is that people are going to realize that a healthier lifestyle means more than what they eat, how intense their workouts are, etc.

More and more people are coming to realize that the little things we do on a daily basis have a huge impact on our health and peace of mind. These are usually parts of our lives that we take for granted, like spending time with those we love, taking down time, taking a break from technology, reading a book, cooking a meal,playing a board game together, going for a walk, and basically getting back to living and en-JOYing life!

I really love this trend and am inspired to add in more of this life en-JOYment for myself and I hope you too find that 2019 brings you more of the things that make you smile and that connect your with those you love!

Maggie Holbik.com is a Certified Life Coach and Nutritionist who is excited about 2019 and beyond. There is so much JOY to be had from the simple things in life, that they do in fact become the big things!

hair mineral analysis, heavy metals, liver health

Hair Analysis Review

I wanted to share this feedback I got from my friend Helen. Helen recently had a hair mineral analysis test done through me and the accredited lab that I use for this.


This is what Helen had to say:

Dear Maggie,

I am compelled to write you this note of gratitude for suggesting and walking me through the hair analysis. It has helped me tremendously in weeding through what I need to do moving forward, to assist my health. As we all know there are so many companies out there promising health, but what do I really need? I have seen through hair analysis that I need specific minerals, and my liver needs help. I am starting my journey in the right direction.  Thank you so much again.


Helen Liba

For those that don’t know Helen Liba, Helen is a Certified Raw Foods Chef and a wealth of knowledge when it comes to healing foods and nutrition, so I did not take this review lightly. 🙂 I was very honoured that I could help Helen take her health to the next level by uncovering some clues to help enhance her daily protocols for better health and wellness.

Hair Mineral Analysis is a screening test to measure the levels of up to 60 essential minerals and toxic metals. With correct testing and interpretation, one can construct a complete metabolic profile of the human body.

If you would like more information about Hair Mineral Analysis or have questions, feel free to reach out to me.  The link for more info is Link for Info on Hair Mineral Analysis     

I can be reached directly by phone or text at 807-627-1831 or email MaggieHolbik@gmail.com  Feel free to ask any questions that may come up around hair analysis, heavy metals, or whatever comes up for you as a good question. I am all ears.

MaggieHolbik.com is a Board Certified Nutritionist and a Certified Life Coach who uses hair mineral analysis as one of the tools to ascertain individual nutritional deficiencies and the presence of heavy metals in the body and brain.  Heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, toxins, petroleum products and plastics are all disruptors to the human body and mind. By understanding your toxic load, you are better able to address many health issues.

inflammation, Vitamins for the Body, Your Amazing Life

Glorious and Grand – Ginger!

ginger-1714196_1920 (1)

Ginger is used in numerous forms, including fresh, dried, pickled, preserved, crystallized, candied, and powdered or ground. The flavor is somewhat peppery and slightly sweet, with a strong and spicy aroma. I have found that people either love it or hate it, but with that said, if we realize how amazing it is for us, it would be wise to learn to love it yes?. 🙂

Ginger has been purported to exert a variety of powerful therapeutic and preventive effects and has been used for thousands of years for the treatment of hundreds of ailments from colds to cancer.

It is known to greatly aid in digestion and assimilation and is widely regarded to help prevent colds, flu, motion sickness, and vertigo. Ginger can also help to alleviate menstrual cramps, nausea, heartburn, migraines, sore throats, exhaustion, fatigue, and constipation and it is great in providing relief from the stomach flu and food poisoning according to Anthony Williams, The Medical Medium.

Anthony also states that ginger also contains potent anti-inflammatory compounds called gingerols and is a powerful painkiller which makes it especially beneficial for those who suffer with joint, muscle, and nerve pain. Ginger has incredible immune-boosting and germ fighting abilities and has even been shown to help provide protection and relief from E.coli, Staph infections, and Candida albicans.

In ancient times, ginger was highly regarded as a spiritual cleanser and used before and during holy days as a way to awaken and purify the body, mind, and spirit. Fresh ginger is one of the most potent ways to receive its health benefits. Try making a liter of ginger water or tea everyday by adding freshly grated ginger in water and let steep for 10-20 minutes. Adding some raw honey and fresh squeezed lemon juice will enhance its flavor and add to its protective and healing properties.

Fresh ginger is also excellent juiced with apples and celery for an energizing and immune boosting drink. Using fresh ginger in any of your cooking or preparing of food will also provide healing benefits and should be added whenever possible. If you find fresh ginger too strong for your liking, then try using ginger in powder, capsule, tea, or tincture form that can be found online or in your local health food store.

I personally am looking for more ways to add this feisty plant, from a plant family that includes cardamom and turmeric, into my daily diet. Today, for example, I threw in some chopped fresh ginger root, fresh chopped turmeric, chopped apples, cinnamon, maple syrup and honey into a slow cooker with water. It’s gently brewing right now and I can’t wait to try it. I will strain it and drink it like a warm and soothing tea with benefits. 🙂 So many good ingredients in there! My body and soul are going to love it!

I just tried it and it’s the best hot drink I’ve ever had! Be sure to sign up for my email list to get the recipe when I send it out!

Maggie Holbik.com is a Board Certified Nutritionist and Certified Life Coach learning as she goes and experimenting with adding in more nutrients into her diet that are healing, nutritious and soothing to the body and soul.

Vitamins for the Body, Vitamins for the Mind, Vitamins for the Spirit

Healing Though Your Story


“If you own the story you get to write the ending.”
Brene Brown

When it comes to our health, a big key, to personal healthy empowerment is in realizing
1) there is always HOPE and
2) WE are a key proponent in our own health care

As Brene Brown’s quote states ‘you get to write the ending’. As a Life Coach and Nutritionist, I hear often people telling a story about their health that would be better left untold, if truth be told. 🙂 It is easy when in pain or suffering, to lose hope and to tell a story that stems from the pain and hopelessness.

If you are suffering, I encourage you to start sharing a new story and envisioning your own happy ending. Some useful phrases might be:

. Everyday my body is getting stronger
. Everyday new research is happening and helping with healing
. In the past I was very sick, but now I am getting better and stronger everyday!
. I believe in miracles and know that I am deserving of one
. I love my body and am showing my body through supporting it to support me!
. My body is always working for my highest good even though I don’t understand it all

These are just a few ideas to add to you daily ‘story’. I would love to hear the ones that you come up with.

MaggieHolbik.com is a Certified Life Coach and Board Certified Nutritionist who focuses on helping people to have more JOY in their lives. She also works with the physical body and brain to assist in determining toxic heavy metal loads and safe removal as well as liver health which can be an underlying culprit in many health areas such as weight gain, blood pressure issues, digestive health, brain fog, and more.

Mystery Illness, Vitamins for the Body, Your Amazing Life

My Celery Juice Peeps


So many of you know that I am on the celery juice bandwagon and am pretty dedicated to it. This morning one of my celery juice peeps who was working a late shift yesterday, sent me this:

Of course I smiled. I love watching people add new additions to their daily health routines and make them a priority. She later told me she went to the store in her pj’s too. 🙂

This client of mine was originally hesitant on trying celery juice but now not only embraces it, she makes it an utmost priority! Those of us doing the daily celery juice are seeing tremendous benefits. I myself, am going on a 10 day trip to Hawaii next month and am already planning how I am going to bring a small juicer with me. I do not want to miss my daily celery juice. 🙂

I am forever thankful to Anthony Williams, The Medical Medium for his spreading the word about the power of celery juice. I will share a link to all the info you ever need to know about it at the end of this blog post.

I have come to believe that you can have many things in life, but if you do not have your health…. well I will let you fill in the blank on this one …

If we can make small changes and if we are consistent we can make huge strides in our health. This is so encouraging and is why I write this blog post!

I am hearing of people everyday who are healing their conditions like MS, Anxiety, Depression, PCOS, Lymes Disease, Diabetes, Thyroid Disease, and the list goes on. How are they doing it? By feeding their bodies the foods they need to heal, by eliminating toxins and toxic overload, by not feeding the body the foods that feed pathogens and viruses and most of all by committing to themselves that they are worth it.

Here is the link to the blog post all about celery juice.
Celery Juice is The Bomb!

Please share with me your health successes so I can share them with others. If we work together and share our knowledge and successes, we can become huge catalysts in helping all of those who are sick and those who want to improve their health in general. People helping people is awesome stuff. 🙂

Detoxing, hair mineral analysis, heavy metals, Vitamins for the Body

My Hair Analysis & Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie Recipe

heavy metal detox smoothie
Some time ago I posted here about starting the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie protocol from the Medical Medium. I have been getting many requests for the recipe so I thought I would update everyone on the results from my hair analysis and share the recipe for the detox smoothie.

I sent my hair away to be tested at the lab and when the results came back, I was surprised to find out what I was high in as far as heavy metals go. It shocked me actually. First off Hair Mineral Analysis is screening test to measure the levels of up to 60 essential minerals and toxic metals. With correct testing and interpretation, one can construct a comprehensive metabolic profile of the human body and then take corrective measures to balance nutrients and remove toxins.

I ended up being very high in Lead!! This was a surprise as I have had my water pipes tested in my house several times and apparently the levels are safe. It is my understanding that older homes can have a lot of lead paint on the walls, even if they have been painted over, which is probably the case in my house. I can’t wait to get the results for the rest of my family to see if there is a common theme here.

Needless to say, I am getting more focused on doing these heavy metal detox smoothies and supporting my body with the necessary nutrition and supplementation to deal with this nasty heavy metal that is very toxic, as well as the other imbalances that showed up.

Heavy metals can wreak havoc on the body and mind. Here are some signs indicating the possibility of heavy metals in the body.

1.) Chronic and frequent general feeling of fatigue, illness and discomfort
2.) Chronic pain, mainly in the tendons, throughout the muscles or soft tissues of the body
3.) Brain fog like being confused or forgetful
4.) Digestive issues like constipation, bloating, gas, diarrhea, heartburn or indigestion
5.) Dizziness
6.) Migraines or headaches
7.) Mood swings
8.) Visual disturbances
9.) Depression or anxiety
10.) Nervous system disorders, including numbness, tingling, burning or paralysis in the extremities
11.) Female reproductive issues like infertility, miscarriage and menstrual problems
12.) Speech problems

Here is an excerpt from the Medical Medium blog about heavy metals along with the link to a full article that is very insightful and educational.

Heavy Metal Toxicity Symptoms

“Heavy metals can cause ADHD, ADD, autism, depression, OCD, mood disorders, Alzheimer’s, focus, concentration and memory loss issues, and much more. They can also increase any viral or bacterial issues you may be battling. For example, heavy metals can serve as a feeding ground for Streptococcus A or B, E. coli, C. difficile, H. pylori, and yeast cells. This can create an overgrowth of multiple bacteria in our gut, resulting in a condition known as SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), which is characterized by bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation (or both), and can lead to nutrient deficiencies. Additionally, when viruses such as Epstein-Barr and shingles feed off toxic heavy metals, this can produce symptoms such as tingling, numbness, fatigue, anxiety, heart palpitations, ringing in the ears, dizziness and vertigo, as well as neck pain, knee pain, foot pain, pain in the back of the head, and a variety of other aches and pains that are often attributed to other causes.”

For the full artilce Medical Medium Blog Heavy Metals

Luckily there is also a recipe to help with removing these heavy metals and toxins and it is surprisingly yummy. Here is the recipe link video:
Medical Medium Video for Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie
And here is the recipe at a glance:
detox smoothie day 1

I highly recommend finding out if you or your family members are being affected by heavy metals. If you would like to learn more about testing for heavy metals and mineral imbalances here is a link to more info: Hair Analysis Info

If you have any questions about hair analysis, making the smoothie, or anything at all, be sure to shoot me a message or comment below and I’d be happy to help if I can.

I will keep everyone updated on my heavy metal detox progress when I retest in the future.

Maggie Holbik.com is a Board Certified Natural Nutrition Clinical Practitioner and a Certified Life Coach who helps people with wellness of body, mind and spirit. Maggie is currently heavily focused on helping individuals and families through Hair Mineral Analysis, Nutritional Assessments, and Nutrition Protocols to promote optimal health and wellness.

yoga, Your Amazing Life

Consent Cards in Yoga Studios

Wow. I read this article today and thought it was great. It is about a way to show the yoga instructor, via consent cards, if you would like assistance that involves physical touch. Here is a snippet from the article:

“Studios distribute the cards, which are either made in-house or bought online, at the start of a yoga class with wording such as “yes” on one side and “no” on the other. Throughout the class, students can flip their card to whichever side they prefer so the teacher knows whether that person wants any physical assistance.

Yoga Consent Cards

“In the case of any type of abuse or even sexual abuse that some people face in their life, it’s an easy way for people to give consent to people touching them,” says Diana Butron, manager of Yogaspace in Toronto, which implemented the cards in May.”

I personally think this a great idea. As someone who is relatively new to yoga, I am not always comfortable in large classes when helpful yoga instructors attempt to show me how to do a posture correctly. Sometimes I love it and sometimes not so much so it would be really nice to have the option. And as a Life Coach I have often thought of the implications for those who are vulnerable to touch for various reasons such as abuse, so this is a great option and I am sure it will open up more people to the gift and benefits of yoga.

Here is a link to the full article. Consent Cards Creating Safe Space in Yoga Studios

MaggieHolbik.com is a Life Coach and Holistic Nutritionist who helps people to enhance their lives through nutrition, eradicating fear, and finding more JOY!

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Digestive Health

4 Signs of Poor Digestive Health

Senior beautiful woman has stomach ache
If you’re feeling lethargic and have bouts of brain fog, you might be experiencing gastrointestinal problems and are suffering from an unhealthy gut. Every day more and more research points to a healthy gut as an important key to optimal health.

Below are 4 potential signs of an unhealthy gut.

1. Constipation

Although everyone has a ‘regular’ routine to their bowel movements, ideally we should have a bowel movement for every meal we intake so on a great day 3 would be ideal. For many people 1 time a day seems to be the norm. However, many other people struggle to have a bowel movement even when several days have past.

Constipation can cause a build up of waste material and toxins in our system. Straining, hard or painful to pass stools, round pebble like stools, or not feeling ”empty” after a bowel movement are all signs of constipation.

2. Diarrhea

Diarrhea or bouts of diarrhea and constipation can mean different things but some things to consider are:

Diarrhea can be caused by a single factor or by a combination of factors, including:
Food allergies or intolerances
A damaged mucosal lining (thin, delicate tissue lining the intestine)
Impaired digestion and absorption, resulting in very rapid food transit times through the gastrointestinal tract
Infection by pathogenic microorganisms – diarrhea is one of the ways your body expels pathogens or poisons as quickly as possible
A colon that is incapable of absorbing water and fluid from stool
Lack of hydration in the body. Water is used to make stools and move waste
Prescription drug use
Lack of “good”, beneficial bacteria in the gut
Tense, spasming intestines

3. Feeling Sluggish

With a compromised digestive system, not only are toxins accumulating in the body and in turn the blood stream, but the energy system and mitochondria are also compromised as a result. If our Mitochondria production is compromised, we are compromised. The mitochondria produce the ATP energy that feeds our cells. People might find they are tired, weak and often feel like they have no vitality or life force.

4. Mental health issues

Recent research indicates that stress, anxiety and depression might be related to gut bacteria. http://www.iflscience.com/plants-and-animals/link-found-between-gut-bacteria-and-depression/

Also our intestines produce a large portion of the happy hormone serotonin however, lifestyle factors like excess alcohol consumption, change in diet or travel can cause changes to this delicate balance, in turn impacting hormone and neurotransmitter production.

Gut health is a very intense topic and can be expanded on in great detail. Some ways to improve gut health are to lower stress, eat life giving foods full of enzymes and micro-nutrients such as fruits and vegetables and to take a quality probiotic as well as digestive enzymes. Getting fiber from foods sources help also to move along the waste in the colon. Fruits and vegetables not only provide vitamins, minerals and phyto-chemicals and phyto-nutrients, but they provide a great source of fiber as well.

Maggie Holbik.com is a Certified Nutritionist and a Natural Nutrition Clinical Practitioner who has had an interest in gut health for the past 30 years. Maggie offers complimentary discovery chats to discuss your gut health and the potential improvement of it, by request. Maggie also offers Hair Mineral Analysis testing which helps to identify imbalances in the body.

Isotonix Digestive Health Formula

Vitamins for the Body, Your Amazing Life

Food * Fun * Health

When you are preparing food make it fun and enjoyable. I have a saying in my house when it comes to preparing food. “Act like your life depends on it because it does”. 🙂

Although I say that lightly, in reality it is the absolute truth! Feeding our body with healthy foods that provide nutrients is of the utmost importance.

Personally, I made a decision not long ago, but a very serious decision…. I decided that I wanted to make changes to my diet and life before life dictated to me that I must make changes. I never wanted to get to the place where I could not eat the things I love.

So now I have fun with food. I delight in preparing food. I also believe that the more you enjoy the process of preparation, the better and more healing the food is for you. It is a reciprocated energy and a force unto its own. We’ve all heard the saying about preparing food with love and there is truth in that.

It is also a great idea to involve other family members or friends. In the picture below, my daughter and I were developing our now go-to recipe for our yummy gluten free muffins. I think I enjoy this activity more than any other… cooking together and developing recipes with her. We are like a team chatting, supporting and encouraging each other in the kitchen. 🙂 I am very happy also, that I am teaching her cooking skills and about how to make nourishing food. I think this is one of the most important skills she will ever learn and it will carry her well throughout her life. She is learning to be very in tune to what is good for her body and also how she feels after eating certain foods.

sivanna muffin recipe dev

So go have fun with your food. Try new things. Maybe it’s just one new fruit or vegetable and you find a new way to prepare it. Or you work at making your presentation of the food a little more appealing like in this picture. Whatever it is, do it in love and with love and put your heart into it. The results will be worth it. 🙂

Depression & Anxiety, inflammation, Vitamins for the Mind

Inflammation & Depression

depression inflammation

Depression is a hot topic in the world today and so is inflammation. If you suffer from either of these or both, you are not alone.

Although there are many contributing underlying factors that contribute to depression, science now confirms that inflammation can be correlated to depression.

A study published in The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry supports the premise that increased inflammation may play a role in depression. The large study examined data from 14,275 people who were interviewed between 2007 and 2012 using the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) to screen for depression and had blood samples drawn. They found that people who had depression had 46% higher levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), a marker of inflammatory disease, in their blood samples. The study was only able to establish an association between depression and inflammation but not causation, though it confirms the association of depression with high levels of inflammation as measured through CRP.

Finding ways to reduce inflammation in the body is helpful in a myriad of ways and in this case beneficial specifically for depression.

Here are some simple ways to become pro-active in reducing inflammation in general.

  1. Choose anti-inflammatory foods and avoid foods that trigger inflammation. Here is a good resource by Dr. Axe https://draxe.com/anti-inflammatory-foods/
  2. Exercise is a an excellent way to help with inflammation. Exercise keeps muscles active, moves the lymphatic system and improves circulation as well. It’s an overall win-win when it comes to maintaining your health. A study found that just 20 minutes of exercise a day reduced inflammation. Exercise increases your your serotonin level (that’s the “feel good” neurotransmitter), which helps decrease negative emotions and increase positive ones also. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/315255.php
  3. Try taking up yoga and/or meditation. Both of these practices have numerous benefits and help with inflammation and are especially beneficial to help with anxiety and depression. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/yoga-could-slow-the-harmful-effects-of-stress-and-inflammation-2017101912588

There are numerous things one can do to combat inflammatory responses in the body including supplementation which I will discuss in specifics in a future blog post.

Finding out the underlying cause or pathogen that is contributing to the inflammation is most beneficial also, but in the theme of keeping things simple for this blog post, a recap is to work on your diet, incorporate exercise into your daily life, and take up a new practice of yoga, meditation or even walking in nature. All of these things will help with inflammation that may contribute to depression and a host of other conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and more.

MaggieHolbik.com is a Certified Life Coach and a Board Certified Holistic Nutritionist who resides in Northwestern Ontario, Canada. Maggie offers complimentary 15 minute discovery chats via phone, Skype, or Zoom to see if Life or Holistic Nutrition coaching might be a fit for you.